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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

New Library System

It has been a massive month for us here, changing to a completely new computer system in order to become a part of the 'One Card' system, which gives you access to resources from public libraries from all over the state. Onkaparinga Libraries were in the first group to launch this, which means that it has been hectic, but we are already seeing the benefits.

One change that will affect you as school staff is that now, when your items become 'lost' (meaning that they are more than one month overdue), we cannot simply renew them anymore like we used to be able to. This makes it much more important for you to follow up your overdues as soon as possible, so we have utilised a function of the system to send you reminder emails when items are about to become overdue.

Please take notice of these emails and either:
* forward it to me so that I can renew the items in question
* print off your email and highlight items you would like renewed and put it in my pigeonhole
* call me to notify me which items you would like renewed
* come into the library and let us know what you would like renewed

The best way of dealing with this though, is by managing your own account and renewing them online before they become overdue. This can be done at and you will need your library card barcode number. Your PIN is your month and year of birth ie September 1987 would be 0987. Give it a go.

Please talk to us if you need help with any of this.

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