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Monday, September 16, 2013

3D Printing at Seaford Library!

The library has a new 3D printer!

Feel free to come in and see what we have made- and you might even see it in action! It is still in the staff testing and training phase at the moment but the plan is for it to be available to both our public and school customers to use. Keep your ears open for new developments here...

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Overhauled Display Cabinet

The school display cabinet in the library has slowly but surely had an overhaul and is now showing up-to-date awards and artwork, and it looks a lot less cluttered. Most recently, we have installed a new TV in there and the school's e-Team have developed a slideshow showcasing the activities and achievements of the Seaford 6-12 School. It has drawn quite a bit of attention from the public already and is a fantastic way of showing off what the school does. If you have any recent awards that the school or students have won, please consider bringing them in to display in the cabinet for the community to see.


Friday, May 10, 2013

VEA Library Planner app

Many of you would have heard of VEA (Video Education Australia), who have produced most of the educational videos you have borrowed to show your class, or have shown on Clickview. VEA have launched an app for both Android and iOS devices, which tries to match videos with relevant strands of the Australian Curriculum from Years 7-10.

It seems quite simple (I have installed in and had a look at it myself). All you need to do is:

1. Install VEA Library Planner app from the iTunes Store or Google Play.
2. Create a subject profile (you can do this for each subject you teach).
3. Drill down through the curriculum and choose the strand/substrand/content you need to address.
4. Read the description and watch the preview of the video.
5. Play the video in Clickview.

Obviously this can save you time in searching through Clickview, as it directs you immediately to the relevant videos for the required outcomes. It would be great to know if this is useful for you in your planning. It can't hurt to give it a try!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Longer Teacher Resource loans

That's right! Teacher Resource items will now be available to you for one whole semester at a time, which means that you wont need to keep renewing your items.

Any new loans you make now, will all be due back on the 28th June. If you want to prepare for Semester 2, it is best to wait until after this date to borrow them, so that the new due date kicks in (this will be early December), otherwise you will need to renew them.

Any items you have on loanthat were borrowed prior to this week, will not have the new due date unless you renew them.

So I think that this is good news! You will only need to renew your items once per year if you need them for the whole year. If you get an email reminder about your books being due soon, please follow the instructions to renew them, unless you are planning on returning them.

Please remember: If the item you have borrowed is not a Teacher Resource, and is in fact a public library item, the standard loan period of 4 weeks will apply (or 2 weeks for DVDs). It is very important that these items in particular are returned on time to allow other public library users fair access to these items.

Monday, March 18, 2013


Have you tried the Only2Clicks website yet? I have set this up especially for Seaford staff and students to enable quick and easy access to some of the most useful websites for teaching and learning. I really recommend that you save this one site as a Bookmark in your toolbar, so that you can click it and open the door to many more fantastic resources split into categories and well organised for your needs.

Give it a go at

I am always looking for more great sites to add, so feel free to let me know if you have a resource that others may be able to benefit from too.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Welcome to 2013

Welcome back and good luck for the year ahead. This year in the library you should hopefully be able to find a few useful tools to make your life easier. As mentioned in my session in Week 0, Only2Clicks is one of these tools that I think you will wonder how you coped without it in the past. I certainly think that it is great, anyway.
There are many other links on the Only2Clicks website that you will find useful too, such as SOBS for booking your class sets online, ReadsPlus for choosing appropriate fiction for a particular topic, and Clickview, which can be accessed from home or at school. Don't forget to show the eResources and Online Referencing Generator to your class when asking them to do a research assignment- it will make their lives so much easier!

Once again, there will be some orientation sessions for new students in the next few weeks, and I will keep you all posted about this.

Throughout the year I will also be available to come to your classroom to help your students utilise some of these tools. Please be aware that I do have other commitments in the library and council, and that bookings will need to be made in advance if you are requiring my services.

All of these links can be found on our Only2Clicks website at