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Friday, May 10, 2013

VEA Library Planner app

Many of you would have heard of VEA (Video Education Australia), who have produced most of the educational videos you have borrowed to show your class, or have shown on Clickview. VEA have launched an app for both Android and iOS devices, which tries to match videos with relevant strands of the Australian Curriculum from Years 7-10.

It seems quite simple (I have installed in and had a look at it myself). All you need to do is:

1. Install VEA Library Planner app from the iTunes Store or Google Play.
2. Create a subject profile (you can do this for each subject you teach).
3. Drill down through the curriculum and choose the strand/substrand/content you need to address.
4. Read the description and watch the preview of the video.
5. Play the video in Clickview.

Obviously this can save you time in searching through Clickview, as it directs you immediately to the relevant videos for the required outcomes. It would be great to know if this is useful for you in your planning. It can't hurt to give it a try!

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